  • Izdelki Podrobnosti

Shenzhen Shunfa Optoelectronic Co., Ltd je kot podjetje, ki temelji na inovacijah, že leta posvečeno razvoju izdelkov. S ponosom in navdušenjem sporočamo, da smo uspešno razvili G9 led koruzno svetilko z dvojnim zatičem 5 W mehko belo G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 žarnico z držalom žarnice, 550 lm, keramično bazo G9 žarnico, primerno za di. Uporaba tehnologije prispeva k popolni izdelavi i-SFG.G9 led koruzne svetilke z dvojnim zatičem 5W mehko bela G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 žarnica z držalom žarnice, 550lm, keramična osnova G9 žarnica, primerna za di se pogosto uporablja na terenu (s) pametnih žarnic in podobno. Naše strokovno znanje in tehnologije omogočajo rešitve po meri za vsako stranko.

Kraj izvora:Guangdong, KitajskaBlagovna znamka:I-SFG
Številka modela:G14-2835-88LED Možnost zatemnitveUporaba:Stanovanjski
Barvna temperatura (CCT):2700-6500Material ohišja svetilke:Keramika+ PC
Osnovna vrsta:E14, G9, E17, E12, B15CRI (Ra>):80
Vhodna napetost (V):120/230VSvetlobni tok žarnice (lm):130
Garancija (leto):2-letniDelovna življenjska doba (ura):20000
Delovna temperatura (℃):-25 - 55Indeks barvne reprodukcije (Ra):80
Izvor svetlobe:LEDPreklopni način:Ročni gumb
Podpora Dimmer:jaStoritev svetlobnih rešitev:Oblikovanje razsvetljave in vezij
Količina LED:88 kosovPF:0,9 ± 5 %
Kot žarka:360 stopinjN.W.:23g
Velikost:18,5*66 mmVrsta LED:80> 2835SMD CRI>80
funkcija:možnost zatemnitve (20-100%)IP:IP20
Voznik:IC pogon


I-SFG najbolje prodajana visokokakovostna LED žarnica G9 brez utripanja AC230

Model Slika Dimenzija Parameter   CCT


Brez utripanja!

 G9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for di  G9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for di  Volt:  AC220-240V  Svetleč:  650lm±10 % CW: 5700-6500K
 Osnova:  G9  Lumen Effi:  130lm/W±10 % NW: 3700-4300K
 Obraz:  Keramika+PC  Kot žarka:  360° WW: 2900-3100K
 N.W.:  18,5 g  Količina LED:  88 KOS*SMD WW: 2600-2800K
 CRI:  RA≥80  Možnost zatemnitve:  št  
 moč:  5W±10 %  Certifikat:  CE-EMC/LVD, RoHS  
 PF:  0,5±5%   Opombe:     
 Paket:  Bela škatla  



G9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for di

G9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for di




G9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for di


G9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for diG9 led corn lamp double pin base 5W soft white G9 E12 E14 E17 B15 lamp holder bulb, 550lm, ceramic base G9 bulb, suitable for di

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Dedicated to strict quality control and thoughtful customer service, our experienced staff members are always available to discuss your requirements and ensure full customer satisfaction.


They are all manufactured according to the strictest international standards. Our products have received favor from both domestic and foreign markets.
They are now widely exporting to 200 countries.

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Trenutni jezik:Slovenščina